Photoshoot for pregnant women
Any pregnancy photo session begins long before the photographing process. We choose the time and place of shooting, the required number of images, accessories, clothing, purpose and concept of shooting. We come up with a story, decide whether there will be a photo session with her husband or an individual. The most interesting and vivid images are obtained if you create a visual story that we tell a photo shoot.
After you make a prepayment, I will reserve the selected photo studio for a specific date and time, and if this is a photo walk, we will choose a venue and a specific time.
I take pictures for at least 1 hour, but if you really want to relax at the photo shoot and get those very wonderful memorable images in the photo, I recommend ordering more than one hour.
I don’t know your temperament before meeting you in the studio and therefore it will take some time for us to adapt to each other together and you begin to behave naturally in front of the camera. My experience in photography shows that most, with the exception of professional photo models, take 15 to 30 minutes to get used to the camera and photographer and begin to feel relaxed and not pinched. Therefore, if you really want to enjoy the photo shoot, the best time to take a photo is 2 hours.
Maternity photoshoot should be held in comfortable conditions - this is a key rule that should be taken into account when choosing a place. The second point is the shooting theme, style, image of the pregnant.
A very popular option for a number of reasons:
The weather process and unauthorized persons will not affect the process of taking pictures.
The room is always warm and comfortable for mom and tummy.
In a photo studio, everything is at hand - accessories, decorations, high-quality lighting, even music for the mood.
The image for a pregnant woman’s photo shoot in the studio can be anything - without any restrictions.
A photoshoot at home for a pregnant woman involves a less rich variety of interesting ideas than a studio. However, a professional photographer can successfully beat any subject. For example, preparing future parents for a baby, buying a dowry for a newborn. If a future mother cannot be overstrained for health reasons, then a home photo shoot will be the only right decision.
No, even the coolest and most modern studio is able to repeat the beauty of nature. Outdoor photoshoots for a pregnant woman always turn out to be bright, vibrant, inspiring. The only drawback is the bad weather conditions, because of which sometimes you have to postpone the photo event.
A wonderful idea is a fun picnic with a future dad and brother / sister. Such family photos are incredibly charming, filled with warmth and love.
If you can’t leave the city, then you can go to the city park. Here you will 100% find a lot of picturesque places for photoset.
Photoshoots of expectant mothers among wildflowers or wheat are a classic of the genre. Nature itself becomes a colorful backdrop for your photo story. You can add a bouquet or a wreath of flowers, complement the frame with accessories.
Naturally, the most comfortable for a future mom. It can be:
Long dresses and sundresses of a free cut;
Shirts and blouses, unbuttoned which can easily expose the tummy;
Beautiful underwear;
A tight-fitting outfit that accentuates a convex tummy.
Nude photoshoots are also very popular among pregnant women who want to create a gentle romantic look. Using a piece of chiffon, organza or silk, the photographer can beat the silhouette and make it airy, almost magical.
To make the photos of future parents harmonious, photographers are advised to dress in the same style and color scheme. For example, ordinary jeans and white T-shirts look spectacular in the frame.
All individually. A future mother can create her own image according to her mood or trust experienced makeup artists. The right decision is to take the photographer’s advice:
For a romantic look, a gentle, barely noticeable make-up in natural colors is suitable. Give preference to light gray, pale pink, lilac shades.
If the theme of the photo shoot involves the creation of a daring image, then it is worth taking your eyes and focus on the lips with the help of bright lipstick.
Traditionally, props for pregnant women’s photo shoots are used quite actively, because often it is he who sets the mood and creates the right atmosphere for the photo. Additional attributes may include:
Children's dowry - clothes, hats, socks, booties;
Soft toys of any size;
Flowers - live or artificial;
Nameplates, inscriptions;
Paper butterflies, flower petals;
Light tissue cuts, etc.
Charming photos for pregnant women are obtained with body art on the tummy. Drawings and inscriptions are applied with special paints that do not cause irritation.
Tummy hugs - this can be done while standing, sitting, lying down. In any position, comfortable for the future mother.
Profile. The pose that all pregnant women adore, because it makes it possible to assess the true dimensions of future happiness. A great option is to peek from behind the wall so that only the tummy is visible.
Effects with a shadow. For example, only a pregnant shadow is visible in the photo and nothing else.
Future parents. This is a very gentle and romantic idea for a family photo shoot. Hugs, kisses, demonstrations of feelings and emotions - nothing will be hidden from the camera lens.
With older brothers and sisters. Such pictures are obtained by the most touching and lively.
Family photosets. They give maximum joy to all participants, not only on the set, but also after - while viewing the photo album.
With balloons. These photos are very festive and atmospheric.
With cubes. But not with simple, but with letters! From them you can lay out the name of the future baby. By the way, the entire structure can be placed directly on the tummy.
With clothes for the newborn. If mom and dad dressed in the same outfits, then the same one should be chosen for the baby. Or hang a small clothes rack on clothespins.
Before and after. This idea is quite difficult to implement, but these photos look very impressive. The trick is that the pictures before and after should be as similar as possible: clothes, hairstyle, pose, color scheme and even shadows should be 100% identical. And if you take into account the fact that a month or two passes between the photosets, then this task will be with an increased level of complexity. But it's worth it.
With a watermelon. It resembles a tummy more than other fruits, so this sweet props will be a great addition to the photo. Often a photo shoot is complemented by creative body art.
In a marine style. A fake helm, a compass, matching colors, vests on future parents - and an interesting idea for a photo shoot is ready.
With drawings on the stomach. They can be any - humorous, plot, romantic. It all depends on your desires, imagination and skill of the artist.
Photo in the water. A maternity photoshoot in water is a technically complicated process, but pictures taken in this way look incomparable. If you want to make really unusual photos with a fantastic atmosphere, then this option is for you.
With bows and ribbons. Want to hint at the gender of the baby? Tie a blue or pink ribbon around your tummy. Also, frames where the pregnant girl is dressed in a cloud of tulle or aerial silk look delightful.
Flowers They add tenderness and femininity to any photograph. Give preference to light shades of buds that always look spectacular and touching.
Family in a row. If you bring the whole family to the photoset, you will get lively and original shots. For example, you can write “Toddler” on the pregnant tummy, “Beer” on the dad’s belly, and “Juice” on the older child.