The first thing you need to start with when choosing a venue for your wedding day is the concept and style of the event. The approval of the central idea of your wedding at the beginning of preparation is a very important stage, because creating an impeccable event requires harmony and conformity of the image of the bride and groom, a celebration script and a place of behavior for the chosen concept and style. Be sure to discuss this with your wedding planner.
The next criterion when choosing a venue for a wedding day is the number and contingent of guests at the celebration. Much will also depend on the guest list, for example, whether the selected restaurant can accommodate the required number of people or not, or whether your grandparents will be happy with the idea of an Indian-style field ceremony and arrangement on mats in the lotus position during registration. Take care of comfort for your near and dear ones, because you create this holiday for them as well.
A wedding is a unique day, saturated both in the program and in emotions and sensations. The couple and their guests need a lot of energy to rejoice and enjoy everything that happens. That is why it is necessary to choose the right venue for the celebration and minimize transportation on this day.
In accordance with the scenario, the wedding day is divided into several stages, each of which requires a location and venue.
The bride's morning is where the most magical day in the life of every girl begins. These are happy, unforgettable, a little exciting, but very tender moments that will never be forgotten.
This morning everything should be perfect, prepare and tune in to the romantic atmosphere of this day. It’s better if this morning no one will bother and distract the bride with questions, there will be an opportunity to spend it relaxed, enjoy breakfast, with the help of a makeup artist and stylist to create a unique image. And also make beautiful frames for memory, which can serve as a wonderful gift for the future husband.
Gathering the bride and groom is also an important moment of the wedding day. The most touching are the photographs in which mom helps the bride to wear a wedding dress, as well as frames that capture the blessing of the couple’s parents for marriage.
The morning shot of the bride and the couple’s gatherings is best done in beautiful interiors, it can be a hotel, a manor or a holiday home, suitable in style to the idea of a wedding. The rooms should be large, filled with natural light, they can also be decorated with flowers and decor elements. It should also be noted that at this location there should be a minimum number of people, so as not to disturb the harmony and tranquility of wonderful moments.
Wedding shooting or a “walk” is also given great attention on the day of the celebration, this is necessary so that the bride and groom can enjoy each other’s company, and photo and video operators can capture their tender feelings. Such a survey is best done near the place where the ceremony will take place, so as not to accidentally get carried away, not to be late and not to get nervous on the road.
The location for a “walk” depending on the weather and time of year can be various locations, ranging from natural landscapes to beautiful interior cafes and studios. The main thing when choosing a place for wedding shooting is not to forget that it should correspond to the concept of the whole celebration, and photos from the "walk" should not be knocked out from the rest.
Also, for wedding photo and video shooting, it is possible to organize and decorate a location selected in advance using appropriate floristry and decorative elements.
The main thing to remember is the conformity of the celebration concept and the comfort of the guests.
The most optimal would be to conduct an away ceremony in the immediate vicinity of the wedding dinner venue to reduce time and effort for transporting guests and couples. This is possible if you choose a recreation center, a manor, a tent or just a beautiful natural location as a place for the celebration and provide it with all the necessary communications.
Also, the venue for the visiting ceremony must be properly zoned and decorated, which is not a problem for a professional and experienced organizer.
The location should be divided into the following zones: the registration area itself, where the "arch" or other structures and elements that play its role will be located, and the table necessary in case of painting or other symbolic rites (for example, a sand ceremony). In the registration area, it is necessary to provide comfortable accommodation for the couple and the host of the visiting ceremony, as well as for friends of the groom and girlfriends of the bride, if they participate in the ceremony.
The area for guests. When zoning the location for the ceremony, you need to remember about the comfortable accommodation of guests - these can be chairs, armchairs, benches, pillows, haystacks and other options. The ability to accommodate guests allows photographers, videographers, as well as ceremony participants to freely move around the site and perform their duties efficiently.
Buffet and interactive areas. Also at the venue intended for the visiting ceremony, it is necessary to highlight a buffet area, which may include tables with drinks and snacks, a sweet table, cheese and any other in accordance with the taste preferences of the couple and guests, as well as interactive areas for entertainment - photo zones, game zones and more. All this will allow guests to relax and spend time with pleasure while waiting for the ceremony to begin, as well as to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the holiday and tune in the right mood.
As with the choice of other locations in accordance with the scenario of the wedding day, when choosing a place for dinner, you need to start from the chosen concept and style of the wedding, because it is always easier to fit the scenery into the appropriate interior than trying to remake the interior to the scenery.
Also, when choosing a place for a wedding dinner, you need to remember the number of guests invited to the holiday. Most of the institutions voiced the obviously overestimated capacity of guests, and here it will be worth the advice of an experienced organizer who will be able to correctly assess the area and zone it.
There are some seating arrangements in which the bride and groom are at the table with the guests, but the most common option is when the couple are sitting together, enjoying each other's company. In this case, the presidium should be arranged so that each guest can have visual contact with the bride and groom, and in turn, it was convenient for them to watch the show program and communicate with the guests. In the presidium zone, the table and the background behind it are usually beautifully decorated.
Banquet area. It offers the placement of tables for guests in accordance with the chosen seating arrangement, and the convenient movement of personnel between them. There are several popular options for seating guests: European seating, it consists in arranging several small round tables of 6-9 people around the honeymoon table, this seating option allows you to form small groups of guests according to interests and other characteristics. Separate rectangular tables (from 16 people and more), set at an angle to the podium and symmetrically to each other, create a better overview and allow guests to sit down on the principle of belonging to the side of the bride or side of the groom. A common long table (from 24 people or more) - this option is acceptable if the couple has a desire to bring together a large friendly company and be part of it themselves. This seating option is most relevant if the wedding takes place in a large open space and guests have the opportunity to freely move from one edge of the table to the other, communicating with each other.
Dance floor and stage area. It is also necessary not to forget about the place for dancing, the more people invited to the celebration, the more this area should be, people should be comfortable moving around the site, having fun and dancing, if necessary, installing coverings for dancing. The allocation of the stage zone is of fundamental importance, because the artists creating the show program at the celebration always have a certain technical rider, if not respected, they have the right not to hold the number.
So, the main criteria for choosing a wedding venue for a wedding dinner is its spaciousness, saturation with natural light, compliance with the concept and style of the event, as well as the number of guests. And whether it will be a restaurant with a kitchen from a famous chef or a snow-white tent and catering service, it all depends on the preferences of the bride and groom.
Choosing a venue for a wedding day that meets all the wishes of the couple and the criteria necessary for a clear and streamlined work of wedding professionals is an important step on the way to a first-class wedding. After all, it is with this place that the couple will have the most pleasant memories in the future, and let nothing spoil them.