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Beach wedding: romance and naturalness as a result of careful preparation

What scenarios and venues for weddings do not come up with agencies specializing in organizing holidays! There have already been weddings under water and in zero gravity, extravagant couples held ceremonies in the mine, in the Antarctic and on the wing of a flying plane, not to mention biker, cartoon and knightly wedding parties.

How to choose a beach for the ceremony?

The first step in organizing a beach ceremony should be the choice of a specific place, and then you can already look for a company that will take on the main chores of preparing and designing the territory, creating a menu, organizing a music and entertainment program with fun wedding contests.

It is unlikely that the bride and groom, or even their relatives, will have the time and energy to do such a thing independently. The choice of a particular place depends on the wishes and abilities of the couple, weather and climatic conditions, and many other nuances.

Wedding beach river or lake in the city

The most inexpensive option is a festive buffet or picnic on the shore of a nearby reservoir, on a city beach by a lake or river. At the same time, the newlyweds can either order exit registration on the beach, or hold a symbolic ceremony, or you can go directly to the beach from the registry office or after a trip to the sights, where tables will already be laid and music will be prepared.

This way of organizing a wedding is bad because it is quite difficult to find a suitable flat place on city and suburban domestic beaches, to clear it of garbage, to equip it and, if possible, to prevent outsiders from going there.

Wedding on the beach of the sea in a boarding house or sanatorium

The sea coast is much better suited for such a romantic event as a wedding ceremony, and a subsequent banquet, but for the implementation of this option, it will be necessary to solve a number of organizational issues.

It is necessary in advance to determine the places for guests to stay, their meals, ways to travel to the place of celebration and back, time spent in a sanatorium or hotel, and beach rental. It’s good if this institution has a wedding organization service that will take care of the design of the beach area, catering, and music.

Wedding on the beach of an exotic island or on the ocean

Many dream of the white sandy beaches of Thailand, Cuba, the Maldives or the Seychelles. For the realization of a dream, sky-high sums will not be needed if the newlyweds prefer to fly away on a honeymoon after the wedding together and there already hold a modest and romantic ceremony according to local customs or in European traditions.

Many foreign companies located in exotic countries specialize in beach ceremonies and will hold a celebration at the highest level. But already invited guests will cost the culprits of the holiday a pretty penny, because not everyone can pay for the flight and accommodation. Therefore, inviting to such a wedding is better only for parents and closest friends.

What should be considered when organizing?

  1. Regardless of the location of the wedding, care must be taken in advance about sunshades or occasional rainfall, and it is advisable not to arrange a ceremony at noon, but to choose a time when the sun does not bake so much.
  2. For guests should provide transportation, places for rest, possibly restrooms.
  3. The number of strong alcoholic drinks should be limited, preferring wine and low-alcohol cocktails.
  4. Competitions with water procedures can cause accidents, so it is better to limit yourself to beach and sports options.
  5. The classic design of beach weddings is a carpet, an arch of flowers or balls, rose petals, white light furniture, tents and awnings, decorated with flower garlands.
  6. Do not forget about the dance floor: you will need a small dance floor, it is unlikely that guests will want to knead sand with shoes, unless a dress code in the style of a beach party is agreed in advance.

Beach image of the bride

Choosing an outfit for a beach wedding ceremony, one should take into account the peculiarities of the local climate and the fact that sand is far from an ideal surface for moving in stilettos. For brides, low-heeled shoes, sandals and elegant beach slippers decorated with flowers, rhinestones, ribbons or pearls are suitable.